Addressing Fertility Problems Holistically and Naturally 

When you hear therapist, what comes to your mind? What about holistic fertility therapist? I was talking to someone yesterday and when I said I was a holistic fertility therapist, she said she thought therapy was for people who needed counselling or have some form of psychological problems. Ha ha! I wasn’t so surprised, growing up I think many of us thought the same. 

So to clarify – Holistic therapy is treatment which aims to treat a client as a whole, rather than as a being separated into different parts which do not interconnect. Holistic therapy treats the individual’s body, spirit, and mind.  

Most times with normal treatment, the doctor or health professional is only interested in the body but as a holistic therapist, I am interested in your mind, your emotions and your body because if everything is not in good balance, you might still struggle to conceive. Because I combine natural strategies, even the methods I teach and the solutions I offer are gentle and natural.  

Many of us already have a good idea of medical fertility treatment because we know that doctors can sometimes help with fertility problems by giving medicines, doing surgeries and even advanced solutions like IVF and IUI. However, apart from the occasional notice or advert that promises some miraculous recovery from fertility problems or the herbal mixture suggested by well-meaning friends, most people have little contact with natural fertility treatment. 

Holistic fertility therapy treatment is based on the premise that every part of the body works together and disharmony in one part will often cause problems in other parts. The natural fertility therapist will then create a personal treatment plan for the person which might include things like suggested lifestyle changes, diet changes, herbal supplements, relaxation techniques and even other alternative treatments like acupressure! Contrary to what you might think, there is a science to natural therapy. 

Look out for my next article on fibroids from the holistic fertility therapy approach. 

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