How you can manage fibroid naturally 

First, I want to make it very clear that in order to know if you have fibroid, you need to do a scan and get a doctor to check you and confirm you have fibroid. Don’t just assume that you have it. 

Secondly, if you are having very strong side effects such as constant pain or periods or anything that you feel you can’t cope with, I would strongly advise you to go to your doctor for quick solutions. The reason is that any natural treatment for illness usually takes a bit of time to work. So it is better for those who don’t have large fibroid or require urgent care. After your medical treatment, you can use the natural strategies to prevent the fibroid from coming back. 

So how can you manage fibroid naturally? These are some general tips of what you can do: 

Change your diet: eat more fruits vegetables (especially leafy vegetables), protein and reduce starchy foods (carbohydrates), reduce milk and dairy products, eat more whole grain like wheat, brown rice, millet etc. 

Remove sugar and sugary foods, reduce caffeine, fried foods and alcohol. Drink lots of good quality water. 

Use supplements like vitamin e and selenium, essential fatty acids like omega 3, Vit A and Vit b complex, Folic acid. 

Do regular exercise even if it’s walking and take time to relax because stress, lack of sleep can also cause hormonal imbalance. 

Please note that these are general tips, for more specific natural treatment, you will need proper therapy support. But if you follow these tips, you will be managing your fibroid much better. If you want more support, I want to invite you to check out the New Eve University now.

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