What are the symptoms of fibroid and how do you know if you have fibroid?  

For many women, they only get to discover that they have fibroid during a routine scan. This is more likely to be the case when they are no major symptoms. For other women, they can experience any of the following symptoms: 

Heavy menstrual flow
Very painful cramps especially during their periods
Need to urinate frequently
Pain during sex
Sometimes due to the location and size of the fibroid, some women might be able to actually feel the fibroid and it can increase their stomach size. 

Does fibroid affect conception? 

This really depends on the location and size. Many women can conceive and have babies with fibroid. If the fibroid is located in the uterine cavity (submucosal) or very large within the wall of the uterus (intramural), it might make conception and pregnancy difficult. 


However, if you remember what I said in the previous article, you’ll remember that I (along with many holistic practitioners) believe that fibroid is as a result of hormonal imbalance. This means that it is not just the location of the fibroid that can cause conception problems but the underlying problems that caused the fibroid can ultimately be the cause of fertility problems. So the best approach will be to actually treat the underlying imbalance; this will not only help to shrink small fibroids but also resolve the fertility problem.  

In the next post, I will discuss what you can do manage fibroid. 

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